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Taylor Swift Gets Punk’d By Buddy Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, who just turned 18 years, what better birthday present than the management of "punk" good friend? MTV's Punk'd revival season premiere trailer released this week show b'day boy is doing so. And not just a good friend - American sweetheart Taylor Swift, guide Justin Bieber!

Trailer, which indicates that as a Ryan Seacrest's website on Thursday exclusive, there is a smile Bibb said: "I think we should start with Taylor." Then, he apparently has been quickly shut down the balcony of a beach house to shoot some fireworks. The sea on the land yacht. And caused the fire!

But wait, there are more important. According to Bibb, it is clear that this particular yacht weddings. Is so bad that Swift not only burned the idea of someone else's boat was terrified - she thought she ruined a special day to deceive!