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NHL version of The Bachelor

After a short break to celebrate the NHL all-star weekend in Ottawa, the puck drops for real again this week ... and if you ask me it couldn't come soon enough.

The regular season needs to resume for no other reason than to remind the legions of hockey fans that watching meaningful games is the only true reality show, and everything else is fluff. Watching the NHL all-star show is now no different than watching an episode of Survivor or The Bachelor. But that's me, I'm old school. Now my intention in writing this piece is not to rip the all-star game, as it has seen enough detractors of late, and to be honest: been there and done that. Besides I shouldn't comment on how bad the game is unless I come up with a better solution, and I wouldn't know where to begin on that. Truth is the current all-star game is so far removed from anything that even remotely resembles real hockey that I believe Steven Spielberg couldn't save it.