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X Games skicross racer McNeal blasts ban from final for clothing violation

ASPEN — Like almost every athlete at the Winter X Games in Aspen, Lange ly McNeal was showing her love for fallen freeskier Sarah Burke with a white ribbon tied around her leg.
The Idaho skicross racer Sunday night said the ribbon — with the word "Sarah" — forced her disqualification from Sunday's skicross finals after French officials complained that "straps" — McNeal said it was the band and a hair tie on her right boot — violated the X Games' skicross clothing rules.
"It's been a lifelong dream for me to compete in the X Games finals, and for it to be taken from me for something so trivial, it's just breaking my heart," she said. "It's not like I hit someone with my pole or

anything like that. I am so bummed. I'm still stunned. My heart is just breaking right now."Sunday's race was not part of the International Ski Federation's World Cup, which closely regulates skicross clothing related to aerodynamics. Chris Stiepock, vice president of X Games events, said the violation was not about the Sarah band.
"It had nothing to do with the Sarah banner. It had to do with straps she had on both legs around her boots. I can quote from the rules: 'No straps or fastening devices or other methods can be used to tighten the suit material closer to the body,' " Stiepock said. "We certainly feel bad, but this has nothing to do with the Sarah banner. We have allowed all the athletes to wear those banners without stopping really anybody. This had to do with the fastening devices around her pant legs."
By 8:30 p.m. Sunday — four hours after McNeal was disqualified — a Facebook page titled "Langely's story must be heard! X games can't hide!" had almost 2,000 members.
McNeal was celebrating with friends and family Sunday in the finish corral of the skicross race course after posting a qualifying time in a semifinal that moved the three-time X Games competitor into her first finals. An official approached her and told her not to leave. The French team had lodged a complaint about her clothing.
"At first I thought it was a joke. I was laughing," McNeal said. "It was really poorly handled by the X Games. And a pretty low blow by the French."
When the French complaint bumped McNeal from the finals, French racer Marielle Berger advanced to the finals, where she finished fourth.
"Someone had to move up," Stiepock said.
Stiepock said the French were "within their rights to lodge the complaint."
"They lodged the complaint before they left the finish corral, which is what they are supposed to do," he said. "Regardless of who lodged the complaint, it was a legitimate one, and we felt that a disqualification was warranted. Like I said, it's unfortunate, but we gotta follow the rules."
McNeal said there were four French coaches arguing with X Games officials, while she watched the exchange from the finish corral.
"I was so taken aback. I'm not confrontational at all. There was no one there to represent me or argue my case," she said. "People have worn the most ridiculous stuff at the X Games. There are no rules at the X Games. That's why everyone loves the X Games."
But there are rules that specifically address using anything to tighten clothing, which could create less drag and provide an aerodynamic edge.
McNeal said she had worn the hair tie on her right boot — and the Sarah band — through Thursday's qualifying races and Sunday's semifinals. She said the French "were really after anything to get me disqualified from the finals."
"First it was the band, then the hair-tie. Then they wouldn't even tell me why I was being DQ'd," she said.
McNeal said X Games officials called her late Sunday to apologize.
Stiepock, however, was not apologetic. He couldn't remember an athlete getting disqualified for violating a clothing rule in the 16 years of Winter X.
"Considering all that we have done to honor Sarah here, (McNeal's) claim seems odd," he said. "Considering how many other athletes are wearing this banner, it just seems odd."