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Teen actor flamed for video dissing CNY

We are not a naughty child actor Amos proposed under fire to, well, naughty. 

"Chinese New Year, he uploaded on YouTube last Sunday in a 1 minute 40 seconds of video angered some users, the hypothetical disrespectful content.
Video - attracted more than 150,000 views - 14 years of Chinese New Year came to his satirical take.
Clip to make a variety of blog and online news sites stomping.
American accent
Proposed for the first time found fame last year by the inauguration of a new short film competition in the paper the first movie star, where he won his film on, one on a desperate effort to cajole his three friends of the boy's controversy entries are not witty best actor and best short film award to help a girl who had cancer.
In all his films, he talked about, even though he comes from a traditional Chinese family, grew up in Singapore, in a thick American accent.
From there, the local director Jack Neo's vote for him in his latest film we are not naughty, it is shown here in the supporting role.
Amos said that in the Chinese New Year Video: "Hey, America has a new year, we do not have one, so to quickly copy the idea, then it is our holiday.
"After all we have to copy the U.S. food, cars, machinery and other things, it is no harm here.
"Copy in the new year the most creative name, we will call the Lunar New Year."
Amos also ridiculed the origin of the zodiac and how children should be a month of Chinese New Year holiday joke.
There are already 4000 comments on the YouTube page, some of which spray swearing, and asked his "blatant ignorance" apology, Amos.
Write ethanliew1992: "This kid needs to apologize, you were a kid, do not know anything, but simply blame our game.
"To read more books, so that your facts right!"
Some people even went so far as we are not asking people to boycott naughty.
In the film, Amos plays the younger brother of actor Joshua Ang - a model child who speaks perfect American English accent, like Amos played in his film characters.
darrendelong wrote: "He (expletive) Jack Neo's movie Amos proposed boycott"
Some even accused of not ", he checked" Amos' parents.
But Amos said near the end of his videos, this is a "false representatives."