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Super Bowl 2012: Start Time, TV Commercials, Patriots Angst

Super Bowl Ads: What Stupid Thing Go Daddy in 2012?

Super Bowl XLVI is an hour away, and the question has already weighed in with a group who can not wait to see a group of Boston and New York will compete in a major sports event, TV network executives in North America and the delight of mind Jimmy Fallon: What a stupid thing to GoDaddy 2012 Super Bowl ads to be stupid?

I do not have the answer for America is one thing I could give you, sir, it would be, but I put some questions to the best minds SB Nation St. Louis, and we have decided to be stupid commercial Actuaries play some of the following scenarios are:

Take off their clothes look like you are. All of his clothes. At the same time. Holy crap! And they want to put on the Internet. GoDaddy changed their business model, just, like, bear in mind to put naked women on the Internet, even if this law. Lord knows it is very hot, and television.

Danica Patrick just low quality and not degrading. What's it worth, I think Danica Patrick profit, fame, has the right to use their womanly charm, et Cetera, I just did not want to make the Super Bowl equivalent of public access stations.

GoDaddy leers owner, as a volleyball coach is really creepy. The truth is, I'm not post-modern literary criticism and intense, dynamic power, unlock the Real Meaning of Everything depends to a comically strident, but it should be obvious: you have the clothes off the ad where a woman is paid, in particular, is a strange ad when this show.

Remember that you are. You know, this girl who was famous for? Nancy Kerrigan and perhaps a super-hot tennis players in the heat Slap the fight and fall in a vat of salsa. Oh, and domain names.